Why choose a CHEK Practitioner
What makes a CHEK practitioner unique is the level of detail involved in assessing EVERY new client and patient and in the design of their individual, structured coaching plan. CHEK programs incorporate musculoskeletal balance and typically start with advanced corrective exercise. The same principles are applied for all levels of health and fitness; from persistent health challenges through to improving elite professional athletic performance.
CHEK practitioners also provide structured coaching on diet, using our Primal Pattern coaching system, along with CHEK holistic lifestyle coaching (HLC). HLC is designed to reduce stress in ALL its forms and your CHEK coach will show you practical ways to create space for health in today's fast-paced, 'always on' world.
A CHEK practitioner is trained to assess and design a complete health-coaching plan that is truly individual to each client, taking into account current health and any medical issues. They will work with you to establish a clear set of goals to aim for, and can work with your doctor or other medically-trained professional to ensure your program is exactly right of you.
The CHEK system has seen huge growth in recent years and you will now find licensed Practitioners in most major cities. Our approach has been followed by some of the world's elite sporting institutions and incorporated into military systems for over two decades. Globally, CHEK Practitioners have been responsible for the successful rehabilitation of tens of thousands of people with advanced musculoskeletal issues.
The Integrated CHEK System
STEP 1 The Consultation
The first task it understand why you are here and what specific goals and dreams you have, as well as to determine what currently is stopping you from achieving them. We will also discuss your current and past medical conditions.
The CHEK full musculoskeletal assessment is the most comprehensive in the industry. At this stage, we will identify the root causes of pain and dysfunction and define which physical treatment, corrective exercise system and integrated technology will work best for you.
STEP 3 CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Assessments
In stage 3 of the process, we identify issues related to diet, sleep, stress and digestive problems - all of which are key to improving overall health and wellbeing.
STEP 4 The Structured CHEK Coaching System
Finally, we will design a complete health and exercise program based on the findings from your assessments and your coaching will begin.
Your CHEK Practitioner will coach you to follow a complete Advanced Corrective Exercise Program as well as supporting you in other areas of lifestyle and nutrition
The overall aim will be to:
• Bring balance back to your life
• Increase your health, vitality and natural defence system
• Re-shape your body so you can live and move functionally - for your current activity, to achieve personal goals or for sporting performance